An audio collage reflecting on 2024, featuring recordings from my Twitch viewers, as well as a hotel room that sounds like frogs.
Written, produced and scored by Amber Devereux
With contributions from: Lou, Bee, Kunzite, Amber, Alex, Moira, Sazzarazz2, Ella, Kieran, Sassy, Latte
Additional music by Oliver Morris
Artwork by Moira Daykin
This piece was made live on the Tin Can Audio Twitch channel, you can watch an archive of this episode being made on Youtube.
Today I am launching a new, ongoing, combined Twitch/podcast project called tiny, a podcast feed for experiments, sounds and stories.
This first episode is a reflection on 2024 and what a strange year it has been. I asked my Twitch chat to send me short recordings of their own thoughts and created an audio collage of experiences of the last 12 months.
tiny is going to be a monthly project for me to experiment with audio storytelling. I've always admired shows like The Wind, Imaginary Advice, UnReality and The Lightning Bottler for being a creative space for a single author, allowing them the freedom to make anything and everything without the need for a commissioning space or a narrow set of parameters. I loved making pieces for Short Cuts and QueerAF this year, it's the kind of storytelling that made me fall in love with radio in the first place, and I thought now was a good time to explore that space and see what I can make.
At the start of every month I will open up a blank project file live on the Tin Can Audio Twitch channel, with the aim of having a finished audio piece for the podcast feed by the end of the month.
This project will also be shaped by the incredible community that has built up around the Twitch channel this year. Subscribers and Ko-Fi members will be able to vote on which episode idea gets made next through Discord, and I'll occasionally be soliciting contributions from listeners, in very much the same manner as I did for this first episode and for the 'ethereal choir' of Anamnesis.
I have a handful of large projects lined up for 2025, some of which I'll be able to talk about on the other side of the bells, and I'm excited to have a small space that is my own in which to play and experiment. I'm really proud of Accordion Vibes and how it's been shaped by listeners.
I'm writing this on a very rainy final day of 2024. Edinburgh has cancelled its Hogmanay celebrations due to storm warnings. I hope however you are celebrating the end of the year you are safe and warm.
Happy New Year!